Tag: Writing Process

  • Writing on the Go

    Writing on the Go

    I’m traveling this morning. Blogging is likely to be even more sporadic than usual for the next few days, but I intend to put stuff up here, even if it’s just photos of interesting stuff and snippets of what I’m writing. Warm-up words from the plane… I’m a writer. So? Write. It’s not that easy.…

  • Lab Gremlins Chapter Headings

    Lab Gremlins Chapter Headings

    A while back a colleague had commented that fun chapter headings were not completely outré in the Indie publishing world. Since I, too, have delightful memories of quirky chapter titles that gave you a tease of the content of that chapter, I thought I’d give in to my sense of whimsy and make the chapter…

  • Just Keep Writing, Writing, Writing

    Just Keep Writing, Writing, Writing

    So the power is back on. But more important, since that was an upleasant couple of days I really don’t want to relive now (I’ll come back to it later with a post on big business and customer service), I’ve been writing. I have completed Snow in Her Eyes, which came in at 17K words.…

  • The Reader Makes the Book

    The Reader Makes the Book

    I’ve known for a long time that every reader sees a book differently. I may really enjoy a book that makes you want to hold your nose with one hand and gingerly pick it up with thumb and forefinger of the other hand to transport rapidly to the trash. It’s part of the reason I…

  • Juggling running chainsaws, machetes, and lit torches

    Juggling running chainsaws, machetes, and lit torches

    Writing is an effort. I’ve likened putting a finished ms out for publication to giving birth, but perhaps the better comparison would be to sending a kid to college. After all, gestation in the womb is a largely unconscious process. Writing is anything but. We plot and plan and think for hours. I am a…

  • Reading, Writing, and…

    Good Morning. I’m up at Mad Genius Club this morning talking about the predicted decline and death of ebooks, and why I think that’s premature. I am also asking for help and recommendations with a tablet and apps for my sister Juniper. This is a special case, as what we need for her is essentially…

  • Writing Process

    Writing Process

    It’s not the same for any of us, this process of creation, but I’ve found that sometimes I’ll read about what someone else is doing and it clicks for me. Over at Mad Genius Club this morning I elaborate on what I was thinking and doing as I wrote Pixie Noir, hoping that perhaps I…