Tag: fiction sample

  • Odd Prompts: Slither

    Odd Prompts: Slither

    “Your turn to roll.”  The alien who was holding out the cup to her was inscrutable. She really didn’t know if that was a smile – was it even a face? The cup, at least, was a familiar item. Styrofoam, the sort used to hold a quick-heat soup long enough for consumption without burning one’s…

  • Dragon Noir: Snippet 3

    You can find the first snippets here, and here. As always, this is a raw first draft, and may (certainly will!) contain errors. Feel free to leave me a note in the comments, but this has revisions and editors to see before it is published. Sorry, guys, no cover art yet… probably end of February…

  • Dragon Noir: Snippet 2

    You can find the opening snippet Here…  I am currently still working on the book. I am very close to sending it to beta readers – I hope to wrap it all up with a bow this weekend. It’s been an interesting week so far, as the first days of a semester always are, and…

  • Trickster Noir: Snippet 1

    I might as well start the ball rolling. I’m not certain of the release date at the moment, but like Pixie Noir, I will release the first quarter of the book here, on my blog, a bit at a time. Sundays are a good day for me to do snippets, as I’m usually working, or,…

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    Whoops! I looked up and realized it was late, and I hadn’t posted. Well, I was out late last night. Working, not celebrating, I’m afraid, although a party was involved. This morning I got out of bed, and then right back in it. I don’t do well on short sleep. Once I finally got up…

  • Snippet 4: Pixie Noir

    So, I have now officially moved my snippet day to Sunday. Last week was an accident, but with posting at Mad Genius Club on Saturdays, I decided to adjust the schedule on my blog as well. If you want to start from the beginning, look here. And enjoy! I’m still waiting on art and edits…