Tag: garden
Small Worlds
Every time, it seems, and I am acutely aware this may just be my own perception from inside this thick skull of mine… every time I am ready to stretch my wings and go places, do things, something happens. I think there’s a reason It’s a Wonderful Life resonates with people. I know I’m not…
Sowing Seeds
And this isn’t a metaphor, it’s what I did today. I did a lot of other things too. It was a good day, and I’m tired at the end of it. It started, though, doing one of the things I love best, sitting on the porch with my First Reader, watching the sun come up…
A new start
So I did a video of my garden, a little walking tour of it as it is now. With all the mess and imperfections and work that needs to be done… It’s a start. Starts aren’t meant to be perfect, if you make it perfect before you begin you’ll never begin, and you will have…
You don’t know what you can have, unless you ask. The Little Man and I were working on the garden, preparing new flowerbeds, and mulching with the one truckload of mulch I’d bought. I had planned to make the garden grow slowly. Not overwhelm myself. I had not calculated on youth and enthusiasm. The teenager…
Pickle Beer
When the Sour Pickle Beer tastes light and refreshing, you might have overdone it in the garden. I don’t drink these often – they don’t taste like beer, for the curious. They taste like pickle juice with some fizz, and I only have one when I’m dripping sweat and need to replace electrolytes. I wasn’t…
In the Garden
I’ve spent a good portion of my Sunday working in the garden with my son. That’s a reward in and of itself, but seeing my plans move towards reality as plants go in, or start to bloom and grow from earlier work, is just happy-making. The peas are tall, but not blooming. They might not,…
A Flash Of Rain
I had written this flash fiction piece a while back, and put it away, it is too short to do much with, but it’s a poignant story, and when I came across it this afternoon I decided to share it here. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. ******************* Aunt Emma was watering the garden…