Tag: Kal Spriggs
Cover me! I’m going in…
I’ve done a lot of book covers over the years, and had a lot of fun doing it. I’m not quitting, just celebrating some recent releases. Most recent is Kal Sprigg’s latest. Valor’s Inheritance was a different challenge for me. It’s the latest release in a long-running series, so I needed to fit the series…
Review: Bureau of Substandards
This is actually going to be a triplet of reviews and a gripe. I spent most of yesterday under the weather (no, that’s not a gripe, that’s life, and I take it when my body says ‘rest now or else’ because else is usually pneumonia with me. I rested, and read) and I was having…
Resolution Foolishness
Ruefully, I look at the upcoming year and think “I should…” I should do a lot of things. Some of them I actually will. But the one that I was thinking when I stopped my mental self, gave her a Gibbs smack upside the head and said ‘what are you thinking?’ was related to something…
Review: Fallen Race
First of all, I know some of you know this trick, but I’ll tell it for the rest of you. Before you buy a book on Amazon, you can take a “look inside” they call it, which is a free preview which allows you to read the first part of the book and see if…