Tag: editing
Odd Prompts: Wonderland Snippet
So! I have about 3000 words written on this story this week. It set up the bit you’re about to read, and wrapped up the scene in the Red Queen’s house. You don’t get to read that just now. The thing is, I’ve been dictating, and the transcription is beyond a hot mess into…
What’s that word?
Last night I was tip-tapping away at the keyboard, writing up both the next section of Hatrack, and a new short that is intended to be SF Horror, and don’t ask me how I was doing both simultaneously, because I wasn’t. Anyway, I’m not sure the SF story will be horror, because I have…
State of the Writer: Drained
I haven’t been writing. I need to be editing, I haven’t been doing that, either. I’ve just been tired. Which is ok. I’m not beating myself up over this. Yes, I wanted to be writing every day this year. But writing is on the back burner for the duration, so I refuse to set myself…
Bringing Life
I’ve been working on writing. It’s slow, because right now I’m re-reading and editing, which adds words to the overall total (The East Witch weighs in at 27K out of a planned 100K for perspective) but not a lot. What it does is breathes life into the story for me again. My problem right now…
Blast From the Past: Fling Open the Gates
I’ll begin this with two myths. First, that books and publishing need gatekeepers. This could be applied to oh, so much more in life, but I will stop there. The other, that gatekeepers must have the ‘right credentials’ or indeed, that anyone involved with writing must have them, from authors to editors to… whatever role…
Trickster Noir: Snippet 10
It is finally spring break! Which means I will bury myself in editing Trickster at long last, and have it to my editor by the end of the week. Fingers crossed that all goes well. I celebrated my break beginning by writing a short story Friday afternoon, which was a fun surprise. My brain is…
All Joking Aside
A few of us were kidding around in the writing group I belong to online. It’s not your average group: we never show one another examples of work for critique, although we use one another as guinea pigs, er, beta readers, from time to time. This group is more for motivation. We post word counts,…