Tag: pollinators

  • Bug Safari

    Bug Safari

    I had promised myself that if I got through the editing and uploaded the working files for the upcoming book (Postcards from Foolz, due out from Raconteur Press this coming Friday) that I’d put a macro lens on the camera and go prowl the garden for a while.    The thing about the lens I…

  • Pollinators


    I’ve been taking pictures of bees, butterflies, wasps, beetles, and more for years now. What do they all have in common? They are pollinators of flowers large and small. Many of my photos are of honeybees, but pollinators are a diverse group.  

  • Beautiful America: Small Things

    Beautiful America: Small Things

    When I take a walk, with camera in hand, I am usually looking for the little things. Bugs, bees, flowers… the tiny jewels, set into every landscape, no matter how urban.