Category: Marketing

  • Review: Girly Stuff

    Review: Girly Stuff

    I ordinarily only review books on the blog, although I’ve done a few other things as well. Today, I’m doing something that’s odd for me – I’ve tried out a very girly thing. I’m wearing pretty fingernails. This isn’t the old-school acrylic talons, which I have attempted precisely once and swore never again. I can’t…

  • New Author Bio

    My First Reader surprised me with this, he’d written it after I told him I was having trouble coming up with one for Amazon that would replace the very out-dated one I’d put up a few years ago. Thank you, dear man! There are few things I dislike more than writing my own bio.  Cedar…

  • Boxing Day Sale

    Boxing Day Sale

    So most of my US readers are wondering what a Boxing Day is, and if it has anything to do with Muhammed Ali. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas (today!) and traditionally it is when British employers gave their employees gifts. Here in the US we tend to celebrate it nameless, by going out…

  • Christmas Shopping

    #procrastinator #lastminutegift #bookgift Have you left the shopping until the last minute? Looking for a gift for the person who has everything? Here’s a suggestion that is clutter-free, on sale until Christmas Eve, and will please any reader in your life! You can gift ebooks very easily. All you need is an email address, and…

  • A Papery Feel

    Welcome! If you’re familiar with my blog, you already know this. I don’t self-promote often. While I do a weekly book review, and will often promo friend’s books, I usually let the sidebar links or the pages devoted to each series do the talking for me. I figure if you’re here more than once or…

  • Divertissments

    A Papery Feel Would any of you, dear Readers, be interested in a Cyber Monday sale on my books, signed and shipped on that coming week? This ought to guarantee arrival in time for Christmas. Of course, you can always give ebooks in mere moments, but sadly, signing electrons is beyond my abilities! I have…

  • Playing with the Big Boys

    A friend (actually, more than one, come to think of it) pointed me at a ranty post made by another writer this last week. I looked at it, shook my head, and went back to homework. But it stayed with me. Not the first part of the rant, which was… well, it didn’t make sense,…

  • Anatomy of a Book Cover

    Dorothy Grant published a short series of articles on her blog that I would like to draw your attention to. She’s the brilliant, quieter half, of the man responsible for one of the best new series of Space Operas coming out right now, Peter Grant. I’ve reviewed his work a few times, and will keep…

  • Emotional Artifacts

    I get all metaphorical, and as snarky as I ever get, this morning over at Mad Genius Club. I’m the nice one, over there, but really… they are just special, aren’t they? Books are, as this article eloquently puts it, emotional artifacts. GigaOm: “What makes Amazon’s dispute with publishers different from a typical battle between…

  • Amazonian Insight

    As the whole controversy about Amazon/Hachette rolls on, with the rumor spreading like wildfire last night that Amazon was doing funny things with not delivering ebooks (They aren’t. There is a known glitch that affects very few systems and it is already under repair. But people are more interested in conspiracy theories than facts) I…

  • Promoting and Marketing

    I was accused the other day on FB of having a scarcity mentality, while the other person proudly proclaimed they had an abundance mentality. After I got through face-palming over the ridiculousness of it, I decided it was a good point to bring up here. You see, this person was reacting to my having asked…

  • Hugohaha

    That’s what you get when you portmanteau Hugos and brouhaha. We could also go with tempest in a teacup, which might yield Hucup, or… But I’ll stop there. I think I have made my point. Here’s the thing. I’m willing to bet guess (I don’t gamble) that most of the readers of this blog know…