Tag: First Reader

  • The Curmudgeon’s Book List

    The Curmudgeon’s Book List

      This is a list generated by friends and acquaintances when I asked for help in keeping the First Reader busy while he is on sick duty helping out his parents. He has a lot of time on his hands in between fetching and carrying.  Thank you, everyone! This is a great list of books! …

  • Confidence and Creativity

    Confidence and Creativity

    The First Reader was teasing me the other day. He pointed out that he knows exactly what’s coming. I’ll finish this book (this week, really. I could wrap it in a day but I don’t think that’s happening today) and I will tell him that it sucks. I can’t deny it. it’s not just that…

  • White Gravy

    White Gravy

    One of the things my First Reader loves to cook is a white milk gravy. No sausage, he insists, it’s better without it. His mother taught him to make it, his grandmother made it, and each generation has complained that their gravy was never as good as the one that came before it. How far…

  • Curmudgeon’s Corner

    This is a guest post by my First Reader, referencing a social phenomenon that has been making him a wee bit grouchy recently. If you’d like to learn more about what an SJW is, and what it does, I’d suggest looking here.  Curmudgeon’s Corner Authors write books; it’s what they do. Scientists land spaceships on…

  • LibertyCon 27 AAR

    First of all, I’m back, and I’m sorry for my lack of planning! I thought I would have a few minutes to put up a post Saturday and yesterday, and it didn’t happen. Next year, I will plan ahead for this. We arrived in Tennessee on Thursday, early, treating that first day as a vacation…