Tag: art

  • Inktail in Progress

    Inktail in Progress

      My Little Man asked me to work on the next Inktail coloring book. I wasn’t initially sure why, he is far beyond coloring books, even the detailed ‘adult’ ones Junior Mad Scientist still likes. But then I found out what he was up to. We had started to look through a couple of my…

  • Christmas Shopping!

    Christmas Shopping!

      If you are shopping for Christmas, I have wares for you. You can check out books for sale, here, and you’ll find mine among them – Possum Creek Massacre is on sale for the first time over the long weekend. There are a bunch of other books, too, perfect for weightless gifts for all…

  • The Deep Rises

    The Deep Rises

      I will be out of pocket with limited internet this weekend. Off to Kentucky to help Mom with some home demo… er, renovation. It will involve a crowbar!  Also, life is doing what life does, and changing. I’ll update with more about that in a couple of weeks when things settle into something resembling…

  • Glass Roses

    Glass Roses

      And other sophisticated blooms. I’ve been tinkering with Apophysis blooms again, because I can. That, and I can leave the program up, running a render, and come back to it, make a few tweaks until I find something I like, render that and walk away… It’s much cleaner, this digital art thing, than traditional…

  • Inktober Fountain Brush: Review

    Inktober Fountain Brush: Review

      This Inktober is, for me, less about the daily art than it is about being able to explore the media, the tools, and expand my repertoire. So I made ink, and I’m testing out new pens. These are not your ordinary pens, though.  They are super-cool translucent piston-driven cyberpunk pens! Ok, maybe not really.…

  • Falling down the Rabbit Hole
  • Coloring Nebula

    Coloring Nebula

    Standing here staring at the screen. I’m working on art, and I’m wondering: what color are nebulae, anyway? All the images we see are artificially colored, so far as I know. Like this series of images from the Hubble, of the Crab Nebula. I could lose hours wandering through the image gallery on that site. …

  • Toilet Troubles

    Toilet Troubles

    “I told you to put the lid down!” He shouted as he reached for the plunger.  “I did!” She wailed, standing in the shower as far from the toilet as she could get in the small room.  “Back, back damn you,” The plunger swipes were only increasing the magnitude of the problem.  Her scream echoed…

  • Status check: Writing

    Status check: Writing

    So my schedule is blown up, but that’s ok. I’m looking at the silver lining, and seeing that I’m going to have a few hours a week where I’m basically sitting and waiting on kids at various activities. So! I should be able to write during those, if I practice good discipline. However, I do…

  • Quilt


    Since this posted prematurely… I found a treasure today. I almost didn’t buy it – I wasn’t looking for a quilt, and right now we don’t need one for comfortable sleeping. But then I stopped, took a closer look at the stitching, and bundled it up in my arms. It wasn’t until I got it…

  • The Book Afterlife

    The Book Afterlife

    A paper book is not immortal. Some have lasted through the ages, and now historians and scholars visit them in climate-controlled vaults, handling them with reverence and cotton gloves. But in the twentieth century, books came into their own, as cheaply printed and widely distributed as possible. You could pick up a candy bar and…

  • Inktober Part 2

    Inktober Part 2

    The second section in what will be a three-parter this year. It’s been very busy, and I had a small health hiccup that set me back a bit for time – which is why the blog went quiet for a couple of days, sorry. Life, work, and family: they all have priority. However, I have…